Editing Resources
Find and Replace - Codes and Alt Codes
Using the codes:
Open the find/replace search tool.
In the Find box, enter the code (or sequence of codes) that you wish to locate.
If you are replacing data, place the desired code, sequence of codes, or other data in the Replace box.
^p or ^13
^t or ^9
^l or ^11
^n or ^14
^w or ^32
Paragraph Mark
Em Dash/Rule
En Dash/Rule
Manual Line Break
Nonbreaking Space
Nonbreaking Hyphen
Page or Section Break
Column Break
White (Breaking) Space
Page Break
Section Break
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find self-editing checklists and other important resources.
For the sake of clarity, # is used in lieu of spaces (in the descriptions).
The brackets are not to be included when inputting data to the Find or Replace fields.
Spaces are used as spaces inside the brackets so they will show as white space. This text is left justified so that these are easier to see.
I have included a few examples for you to begin with. These are common issues, that are easiest to deal with when beginning on a manuscript.
While these changes can be completed at any point in the process, I make these changes in the beginning, with Track Changes off, unless the client has declined silent changes.
If a client uses two spaces after a period, before a paragraph break (¶), you could use the following code to clean all of them at the same time.
Find what: [. ^p]
Replace with: [.^p]
If a client ‘double spaces’ their manuscript using hard returns (¶), you could use the following code to change it to one ¶.
Find what: [^p^p]
Replace with: [^p]
This can also be extended to find .#¶¶ or .##¶¶
Removing all Tabs (^t):
Find what: [. ^p^t] or [. ^p^t] (depending on how many spaces come after the period in the manuscript.
Replace with: [.^p]
… vs . . .
To replace an automated ellipsis with a nonbreaking-spaced ellipsis:
Find what: [Copy the ellipsis symbol from the manuscript and paste it into this box.]
Replace with: [^s.^s.^s.]
Alt Codes for Special Characters & Symbols
Alt codes allow you to input certain characters directly, instead of having to search the Symbol panel. I have included the ones I use most often in the table to the right.
To use these codes, press alt and keep holding it. Type in the numbers of the code. It is not necessary to hold all the numbers down at the same time.
Where a zero is include in the alt code, this must be included when inputting the code.
For example, if you want to input the TM code, Alt+0153, you need to include the zero to get ™.
If you don’t include the zero, only 153, you will get a different character, such as Ö.
You can find an extensive list of codes for accented letters and other symbols here however I have include a few common ones below.
130 or 0233
138 or 0232
133 or 0224
160 or 0225
Beginner Editor Resources & Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Cleaning up a manuscript is one thing, but editing it can take on a whole new meaning when you realise how much there is to do. For writers, this can be an expensive process, and there is value in what they pay as long as their editor does their job properly and professionally. If clients are able to clean up their manuscript before sending it through to their editor it saves them money, and saves us time. Your best approach for increasing clientele is to decrease the time spent on a manuscript, while maintaining an exceptionally high level of editing. Less time means more clients. More clients means more books, more stories, more characters (and more money, obviously).
Here's some links to help you (and your clients) on your way to a cleaner manuscript. For writers, these links will help you refine your work but, remember, self-editing does not replace the help and experience of a qualified, professional editor.
A style sheet lists your spelling and grammar choices, place names, character details, and manuscript-specific data. Not everything is a 'rule' and you might choose one spelling over another, have creative names, or even decide not to use a particular form of grammar or punctuation. For modes of English where multiple approaches are possible, it's important to keep these things in mind so that you can maintain consistency across the length of the manuscript.
Developmental Editing Checklist
Developing your novel and checking the major things is the first thing you need to be looking at as a writer. As an editor, if you're doing a copyedit or a proofread, these are not your responsibility. If, however, you're completing a line edit, structural edit, or a developmental edit, looking at these aspects is critical.
Proofreading Fiction and Non-Fiction Works - Checklist
Proofreading occurs on the final page proofs prior to sending the work off to the printers, but after the pages are received from the formatter.
Check out some of the other resources available on the Recommended Resources page.
Grammarly, like Hemmingway and ProWriting Aid, is a TOOL. It is not a replacement, and everything it says does not need to be followed. Doing so can damage your work (extensively!), so remember, it's your book (or your client's book) and the author is in charge (as they should be).
Staying consistent is critical. Using Intelligent Editing's free Consistency Checker is a quick and very effective way of checking any spelling variations you might have in the manuscript. For those who want to get more intense with the editing process, and a critical tool for editors, there is PerfectIt. This is not a replacement for editing, this is a TOOL. Tools help us to make sure that we get everything.
Good luck! And remember, I'm open to questions so if you need help, email me. Free information, if I have it, can help you get a book where you need it to be. Cleaner books on the market means increasing the reputation of indie authors and beginner editors.
Books and stories are art; a beautiful, wonderful part of what it is to be human.